Amidst the uncertainty of the COIVD-19 global pandemic, all consulting, training sessions, and individualized coaching can be conducted virtually.
Personalized coaching to help your community reach short-term and long-term goals.
Inclusion Training
Customized, interactive workshops to meet the specific needs of your community, school, or camp.
Wide variety of topics for keynotes and breakout sessions.
Other services include:
Writing about disability inclusion
Curriculum development
Designing sensory paths and break spaces

Please accept our enthusiastic appreciation for your excellent presentation at our Inclusion Shabbat. You focused on many important issues that we will continue to address as we move forward in our quest to meet the needs of those who may require assistance in order to participate fully in worship and other programs at our Temple.

Our thanks go to you first and foremost for your great talk on Friday night. It was as inspiring as you are! Second, thank you for stepping in to help us out in a pinch. We so much appreciate your “yes, I will help."

I really appreciated the specificity that Lisa brought to the meeting. She is very accomplished in her field (with specific attention to skill set) and that was able to grab my focus and get me excited about the topic.
Communities I have worked with: